Fort Worth Officers Shoot Aggressive Dog: Police

Fort Worth police officers shot a dog they said was charging aggressively toward them Thursday morning.

Police were dispatched to a wooded area near Heron Drive and Loop 820 after a caller reported seeing a pit bull running loose in that area.

The officers said they followed a set of truck tire tracks leading to what appeared to be a camp with a tent in the woods. They yelled to announce themselves, and the tent began to shake while the dog barked from within.

Police said the dog charged out from the tent, so the officers fired one time from a duty shotgun, striking the dog in the shoulder.

The dog's owner used the officers' tactical medical kits to render aid to the dog, and the owner then took the dog to a veterinarian for treatment.

Police officials said video from an officer's body camera supported their account of the events. The incident is subject to a routine internal investigation.

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