Former Texas Gov. Clements Dies

Bill Clements dead at 94

Flags across Texas are flying at half staff after the passing of Former Texas Governor Bill Clements.

Clements died of natural causes at UT Southwestern University Hospital, according to the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office.

The medical examiner was notified Sunday at 1:26pm but won't receive Gov. Clements' body as it was ruled as natural causes by hospital staff.

Many of the former governor's colleagues have released statements about the death of the man who donated $100 million gift for UT Southwestern Medical Center. His generous donation was the largest in the institutions history to date.

Gov. Rick Perry ordered flags flown at half staff and issued this statement:

"Anita and I are deeply saddened today as our state and nation have lost a true pioneer, and a larger-than-life entrepreneur, public servant and, most of all, a Texan. Gov. Clements was a mentor and someone I admired and respected greatly. As the father of the modern day Texas Republican Party, Gov. Clements is responsible for the growth, success and election of Texas Republicans in every corner of our state. Today, Texans and Americans have lost a leader whose leadership, service and patriotism were unparalleled. Anita and I send our deepest sympathy to Rita Crocker Clements and the Clements family during this difficult time.

Today, I have ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff in honor of the life and service of former Texas Governor William P. Clements, Jr."

When U.S. Rep. Joe Barton made a bid for the Senate in 1993, Gov. Clements was his campaign chairman. Here is Rep. Barton's statement about the passing of Gov. Clements:

"I was saddened to hear the news of Governor Clements passing. He was a great political ally, but an even better personal friend. He was a path finder for the Republican party in Texas and a conservative leader. He changed the political landscape of our state. I admired him very much and I am going to miss him a lot."

Former President George W. Bush issued this statement on the passing of Clements:

"Laura and I are deeply saddened by the loss of Governor Bill Clements. He was a political pioneer who served Texas and our country with distinction. Most of all, he was a friend who will be missed. His family is in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the passing of a great man."

U.S Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison issued  the following statement:           

“Governor Clements ushered in a new era in Texas politics as the first Republican to win a statewide race in Texas. During his terms in office, the Governor's Mansion was renovated with great attention to historical accuracy and his appointments to our state universities' Boards of Regents and other state commissions were noted for their quality. He was a no-nonsense, straight talking leader who embodied the potential our state has to offer. Ray and I send our thoughts and prayers to Rita and his family.”

Gov. Clements was 94 years old.

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