Fire Destroys Dallas Home

Heater to blame for morning fire

Ronnie Roberson says a heater is to blame for a fire that destroyed most of his home Wednesday morning.

A Dallas homeowner is being credited for getting everyone out of a home as it went up in flames.

Ronnie Roberson said he smelled smoke inside his home at 1907 Nomas around 6:30 a.m. Shortly after he smelled smoke, the smoke alarms went off, he said.

Roberson said he went into his 90-year-old aunt's room and saw flames. He said he tried to put out the flames, but the fire was too big.

"I see the flame, as I see the flame, I see my aunt," Roberson said. "I get her out of the room and I snatch down the curtain and I begin to try to put out the fire."

Roberson got everyone out of the house while his neighbors called 911.

Most of the house is destroyed, but the back part of the home may be able to be saved, a firefighter said at the scene.

"It wasn't too bad at first, but then it began to go up," Roberson said.

Roberson said his fire insurance was just cancelled.

A representative with the Dallas Red Cross said they're responding to the fire and will assist the family.

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