ERCOT Prepares For Energy Strain

Higher then normal temperatures will increase energy demand

The Electric Reliability Council Of Texas (ERCOT) is expecting energy generation capacity for the state to be strained during summer 2012.

Though temperatures are not expected to be as extreme as summer 2011, the National Weather Service is projecting above average temperatures this summer.

Estimated summer peak demand has increased 1,297 MW higher than would be expected with average summer temperatures. One megawatt is around enough electricity to power 200 homes in conditions in which air conditioners are running longer than usual.

According to ERCOT energy conservation can play a key role in preventing an energy shortage.

"Although we implemented emergency procedures on six days last August due to low reserves, the consumers and businesses helped us reduce the demand by responding to our requests for conservation," Vice President of Grid Operations and System Planning Kent Saathoff noted in a press release.

Early assessments anticipate an estimated demand reduction of 750 MW because of consumer conservation efforts and other factors.

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