DPD Chief Discusses Plans to Reduce Sexual Assaults

Dallas Police Chief David Brown discussed his plans on reducing sexual assaults in the city during an exchange with NBC 5's Jeff Smith on Twitter.

Following up on new crime figures for the city, Smith asked Brown about any new or upcoming plans to bring sexual assaults down in 2014.

Brown countered by saying the plan to reduce sexual assaults will likely result in an increase in reported attacks this year -- something he believes may end up helping victims in the long run.

"This will sound counter intuitive," Brown responded, "But because sexual assaults are the most under reported crime, our sexual assault awareness campaign efforts may very well increase reported sexual crimes."

"In addition, the expansion of the sexual assault nurse examiner's program at Presbyterian Hospital allows victims options, other than Parkland Hospital, to complete the rape kit DNA analysis and, hopefully, bring more victims forward that complete the investigative process necessary to capture suspects," Brown continued.

"Finally, the uniform crime reporting definition of sexual assaults was expanded starting Jan. 1, 2014," Brown added. "This new definition will double the amount of reported sexual assaults for the year."

"All of this, I believe, will lead to more suspect DNA entered into the national DNA database, and, ultimately, more predators charged and taken off the street," Brown concluded.

Brown shared these plans and the previously released figures for 2013 crime rates with Dallas City Council on Monday.

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