Donations Needed for Dealey Plaza Repairs

Dallas community leaders are scrambling to raise money for repairs at Dealey Plaza before the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination there.

City Councilmember Pauline Medrano’s district includes the plaza.

"For the longest time we kind of pushed that away and tried to not talk about it.  But it is history. It happened here in Dallas," she said.

Phase One of a city funded renovation project repaired some concrete and peeling paint along the Houston Street side of the plaza in 2008.

But crumbling concrete, faulty sidewalks and peeling paint remain elsewhere around the plaza, first constructed in the 1930’s.

Medrano said Dealey Plaza is the most popular tourist destination in North Texas and second only to The Alamo as the most visited site in the entire State of Texas.

"I’m always ashamed that we don’t keep better care of it," said Dealey Plaza supporter Judith Garrett Segura. 

A Dallas City Council Committee Monday heard details of a $2 million plan for Phase Two of renovations to the plaza, which has been designated as a federally protected Historic Landmark District.

"There are very strict rules on the kinds of changes that can and can’t be made to the architecture," said Architect Jonathan Rollins.

"Our intent is to restore the concrete surfaces to their condition in 1963, which is the historically significant date," he said.

The city has budgeted only about half of what is needed to finish Phase Two.

So, the Dallas Foundation has established a fund for private contributions to complete all of the work by 2013.

"And I want to appeal to my fellow citizens of the city of Dallas to help us do that," Segura said.

More: Dealey Plaza Renovation ProposalDallas Foundation Online Donations

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