Doctors, Pharmacies Busy With Post-Holiday Rush

North Texas pharmacies and doctor’s offices are seeing an after-the-holidays rush as they reopen for business.

North Texas pharmacies and doctor’s offices are seeing an after-the-holidays rush as they reopen for business.

“The biggest trend is going to be distinguishing between a cold and the flu,” said pharmacist Dr. Crystal Blade of Texas Star Compounding Pharmacy in Plano.

While the flu is still prevalent, Blade and Dr. James Pinckney of Diamond Physicians in Dallas say early numbers may show a peak to the season that happened the week of Christmas.

They warn, however, that would be an early peak, and remain cautiously optimistic.

“Moral of the story – if you haven’t gotten your flu shot, that’s the best way to prevent it. The flu is definitely going around,” said Blade.

However, the over-the-counter allergy medicine shelves at Texas Star Compounding Pharmacy are selling out of medicine quickly.

Along with normal Texas ragweed, the forecast predicts juniper and mountain cedar, which can lead to “cedar fever”, an allergy reaction common in Austin.

“That could be the common cold, it could be the flu or it could be run of the mill sinus allergies,” said Pinckney, who is seeing all three in his practice.

While allergies and the common cold can produce a fever, patients with the flu have a higher temperature that can last for days.

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