CDC Issues New Guidance for Zika as Brazil Finds Active Virus in Saliva, Urine

Because this is so knew, we are learning more about Zika daily.

A Brazilian health official warned pregnant women to think twice before giving a kiss as global measures mounted Friday against the Zika virus suspected of a link to birth defects.

The U.N. human rights agency called for some nations to loosen strict laws against abortion and U.S. health authorities recommended men who have visited areas with the Zika virus use condoms if they have sex with pregnant women.

Paulo Gadelha, president of the Fiocruz research institute, said at a news conference that scientists have found live samples of the virus in saliva and urine samples, and the possibility it could be spread by the two body fluids requires further study.

He said that calls for special precaution to be taken with pregnant women, and suggested they avoid kissing people other than a regular partner or sharing cutlery, glasses and plates with people who have symptoms of the virus.

"This is not a generalized public health measure, for the love of God," he added.

Brazil plunged into Carnival season on Friday — a time when people commonly kiss strangers they meet at massive street parties.

Scientists at the Fiocruz institute say they're trying to determine if the body fluids can spread Zika to new patients.

The Center of Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden, responding to questions about Brazil's reaction to Friday's announcement, said it is the job of health officials to "provide people with all of the information and allow them to make their own choices."

"Because this is so knew, we are learning more about Zika daily," Frieden said during a teleconference Friday, noting that "we can't make assumptions about how Zika spreads from one individual case."

Meanwhile, U.S. health officials on Friday said men who have been to a Zika outbreak region should use condoms if they have sex with a pregnant woman — for the entire duration of the pregnancy.

The guidance, issued by the CDC, also said the men might consider abstaining or using condoms even during sex with a woman who isn't pregnant.

The CDC stressed that the Zika virus is still mainly spread by mosquitoes. In most people, it causes mild or no symptoms. But it has become a concern because of a possible link with a birth defect in Brazil.

The CDC has recommended that pregnant women postpone trips to countries with Zika outbreaks, mostly in Latin America and the Caribbean, though Frieden any country where reports of the virus are confirmed will be added to the list of affected areas. All travellers are advised to use insect repellent and take other steps to avoid mosquito bites.

The health agency also on Friday updated its guidelines for testing and monitoring pregnant women who have travelled to Zika areas. In the U.S., there have been about 50 cases of travellers diagnosed with the virus, including three pregnant women.To date, the mosquito-borne virus has spread to more than 20 countries in the Americas, including some where sexual violence is rampant.

"Zika reminds us that nature is a formidable enemy," Frieden said.

In Geneva, spokeswoman Cecile Pouilly said the OHCHR was asking governments in Zika-affected countries in Latin and South America to repeal any policies that break with international standards and restrict access to sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion.

"We are asking those governments to go back and change those laws," she said. "Because how can they ask those women not to become pregnant but also not offer them first information that is available, but the possibility to stop their pregnancies if they wish?"

Pouilly said that about a quarter of women had experienced physical or sexual violence in El Salvador in the past year.

"So that also shows that many of these pregnancies are out of their control and countries obviously have to take that into account," she said. Pouilly said that safe abortion services should be provided to the full extent of the law. "The key point is that women should have the choice and (make) informed decisions," she said. "Women should be able to have an abortion if they want."

NBC's Danielle Abreu contributed to this report.

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