Denton 2030 Draws Big Feedback for the Growing City

The two year plan hopes to create a master plan for Denton's growth

The city of Denton launched its Denton 2030 plan in August 2012 to prepare for growth within the city.

City leaders in Denton are nearing completion on Phase 1 of their “Denton 2030” planning project.

Since August, the city has held several meetings to gain feedback from citizens on what they would like to see in the city’s master plan for growth.

"Denton is growing very quickly,” said Senior City Planner Abra Nusser.

While it is one of the fastest growing communities in the Metroplex, the growth master plan hasn’t been updated since 1999. So the city created Denton 2030 to let the people create a sort of “To-Do List” for the community as it grows.

"It's about getting people involved because when they participate in the process then they kind of own the outcome,” said At-Large City Councilman James King.

The first phase of that has been to gauge what is working in the city and what needs work.

They held several community meetings in November, a special Spanish-only meeting last weekend and are getting ready to hold two more meetings this Thursday at 6 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m.

The city has also launched two websites to gain feedback from citizens: and

"We learned that Denton residents are pretty much all on the same page,” said Nusser of the first sessions. “There's a very strong pattern of feedback of what people like about Denton and what people don't like about Denton."

Once this session is complete they’ll go into Phase 2 of the plan, which Nusser said is kind of the “wish-list” phase where citizens will get to really get involved in planning for Denton’s future.

The entire program is scheduled to last two years at which time they hope to adopt a new master plan.

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