
Deals Trump Holiday Tradition for Some North Texans

On Thanksgiving night, the entire Coronado family is going on day two of being camped out outside of a Dallas Best Buy.

On Thanksgiving night, the entire Coronado family is going on day two of being camped out outside of a Dallas Best Buy.

As employees prepare to open the doors, the family’s up stretching their legs and strategizing who will grab which item from their list of TVs and other high tech devices. After all, they can’t sit down to their turkey feast until it’s done.

“It’s tradition now,” said George Coronado.

It’s the fourth year they have chosen to snag deals before eating, turning a long standing American tradition on its head. And in a line of hundreds, they’re not alone.

Several people behind them, Cody Whoolery has given up the majority of his holiday to snag a replacement for his TV at just $130.

“I have family coming in later on Saturday so all the plans got pushed to the weekend,” said Whoolery.

Others like Pamela Hampton skipped the meal all together.

“There’s such a thing as leftovers,” said Hampton.

She waited for five hours in place of her mom who needed a new TV.

But while many Americans don’t mind changing holiday tradition or skipping it altogether, several retailers remain steadfast in keeping their doors closed until Black Friday morning.

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