Officers Locate Suspects in State Thomas Robbery Through iPhone

Victim told police man threatened her, stuck a pistol in her face

Dallas police have arrested one suspect and are looking for another in a midday armed robbery in State Thomas.

Police have arrested both suspects in a midday armed robbery in the State Thomas area of Dallas Monday.

The victim, a woman who was walking back to work from her apartment, was robbed at around 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of Woodside Street and Clyde Lane, according to police.

The victim, who did not want to be interviewed or identified, told NBC 5 she heard a car screech to a stop behind her. When she turned, she saw a man exit the passenger side of a black, four-door car, stick a handgun in her face and shout a threat.

Before she could react, the victim said the man grabbed the purse from off her shoulder and jumped back into the car before it sped away.

The victim did take note of the license plate, she said, which allowed investigators to track the driver down Tuesday morning. Inside the car, police found pellet guns, one of which appeared to be the weapon used in the crime, the victim said.

Investigators said they located the victim's iPhone through a locator app and found fingerprints which they used to find the first suspect.  The suspect confessed and gave police the name of the accomplice who was arrested Wednesday.

The area is densely populated with apartments and brownstone buildings, and situated at the southernmost corner of Greenwood Cemetery.

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