
Dallas ISD Superintendent Says Comparisons Between Public and Private Schools ‘Isn't Fair And Just'

NBCUniversal, Inc.

The leader of the largest school district in North Texas is weighing into the debate over whether tax dollars should go to private schools. Governor Abbott has called for support of such measures but Dr. Stephanie Elizalde says they go against everything ISDs stand for. She spoke one-on-one with education reporter Wayne Carter.

No matter where you go, parents usually want the same thing from schools, to prepare their kids to reach their best potential, and set them up to be successful.  

Despite the work Texas has done to better public education Governor Greg Abbot says there’s a problem.

"Not all children are benefitting from what we’ve done, some have different education needs," he said.

Abbott spoke at The King’s Academy, a private school in Dallas about issues with “some” schools.

"Giving parents a true choice about where to educate their child gives parents the power they need and deserve to provide the education," he added.

Since you can choose right now where to send your child to learn, many are looking at the governor’s words “true choice” to mean the desire for parents to get state money to pay for private schools.

"The heartburn is coming from the fact that it isn’t a fair and just system of evaluating," said Dr. Stephanie Elizalde, Superintendent, Dallas ISD.

She said public schools do a lot better job than people think and aren’t one size fits all. Pointing to everything from hybrid offerings, technology schools, and career development schools all to give students choice within their district.

"Sometimes choice is your neighborhood school. We have done a good job talking about programs that exist in neighborhood schools and we’ve added a lot to neighborhood programs," Elizalde said.

Elizalde said the choices being debated politically go against the Texas Independent School District Model.

"We’re getting far away from that when we’re talking about vouchers and charters, where is the public electorate for local public schools?" said Elizalde.

Abbott and his opponent in the upcoming election both are campaigning on education and the path Texas should take moving forward; one that according to the Texas Education Agency has exhibited progress, better than other states coming out of the pandemic.  

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