
Dallas ISD Police Officer Learns Sign Language for Students

Dallas ISD Officer Kimberly Stangarone first learned a bit of sign language from students, but soon realized she need to learn more.

Inside a hallway at J.L. Long Middle School a conversation takes place between a Dallas Independent School District Police officer and a group of students, but it is not the way you may imagine.

Officer Kimberly Stangarone is talking using her hands. She first started picking up sign language from students in the Deaf Education Program, but soon realized if she wanted to fully be able to help them when needed, she could do more.

"A lot of deaf people wish there would be more officers out there to learn, to take up a class, to learn sign language," Stangarone said.

Stangarone enrolled in evening classes to learn American Sign Language and is now working to become a licensed American Sign Language translator.

Stangarone has worked at J.L. Long Middle School, where she estimates 50 to 60 students are a part of the Deaf Education Program.

"It just feels good that they know that I'm here to help them," Stangarone said, "and just to know that they're more comfortable now to come and speak to me if they have any issues."

It was a situation involving two deaf students that highlighted the need for her to learn sign language. She was forced to wait for a translator to arrive and could see the students were frustrated.

"You don't want to see them feel that nobody is there to help – especially being a police officer, that's the last thing I ever want a child to feel," Stangarone said.

Now, Stangarone says deaf students are opening up to her, and they're beginning to develop relationships.

"[We talk about] problems, what they did on the weekend, they ask me what are you going to do for the holidays," Stangarone said.

It's more than just about establishing a rapport. Stangarone can now communicate in case of an emergency, and students applaud her efforts.

"They're really happy an officer is learning sign language and they really wish more officers would learn sign language, because they've had interactions outside and it's just hard to communicate," Stangarone said.

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