
Dallas' First ‘Brain Gym' Teaching Meditation Techniques

There’s a new business in Dallas that’s considered a “brain gym,” it’s a peaceful space that’s focused on improving your brain by using meditation.

In the middle of your busy work day, would you ever consider taking a break to strengthen your brain? There’s a new business in Dallas that’s considered a “brain gym,” it’s a peaceful space that’s focused on improving your brain by using meditation.

Mastermind is a new meditation center in Dallas that’s offering research-proven results that offer, “improved focus, clarity, memory retention, reduction in stress. Our whole idea is a healthy mind equals a healthy body,” said Chelsey Charbeneau, meditation teacher

What makes Mastermind different from other meditation centers is that their whole focus is improving your brain function.

“This is the first of its kind. There are meditation studios in the country but this is the first ‘brain gym,’ so everything we do here is focused on your brain.”

The class NBC 5 attended was working to strengthen memory.

“I want you to recall as many things as you can from yesterday,” Charbeneau told the class.

Other guided meditation classes are for improved energy, focus, intention, and gratitude.

“So I found myself thanking people more, or telling people how I appreciate them more, based on some of the classes that we’ve had,” said Shawn Williams.

Williams said he’s meditated on and off over the years but scheduling a meditation at Mastermind made it easier for him to get it done.

“It was like a 30 minute nap, but you weren’t sleeping, and I was like, ‘This is the best!’” said Lexi Holt.

Meditation is an ancient technique that continues to help people improve all aspects of their lives.

“It really is a calming experience and one that puts you in a great frame of mind, which puts you in a positive mood for the rest of the day,” said Ryan Trimble.

“So we’re all stressed and doing too much and this place provides a little haven for you to rejuvenate,” said Charbeneau.

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