
Dallas Charity Delivers Cold Weather Necessities to Homeless

Tuesday will be another frigid night across North Texas. It could be a life or death situation for the most vulnerable residents who will find themselves sleeping outside. There are several charities stepping up to provide the homeless population with shelter, food and coats.

Tuesday will be another frigid night across North Texas.

It could be a life or death situation for the most vulnerable residents who will find themselves sleeping outside.

There are several charities stepping up to provide the homeless population with shelter, food and coats.

One organization called the SoupMobile drove into South Dallas on Tuesday afternoon.

The white truck stopped in the parking lot of the Dallas International Street Church along South Second Avenue.

“It means a lot to me,” said Martin Schroeder.

Schroeder says he’s been homeless for a few weeks after not being able to pay rent when his roommate left town.

He is grateful to have escaped the bitter temperatures in Dallas on New Year’s Eve.

“Last night it was so cold. The wind was blowing so hard and there was ice and I said ‘man, where am I going to go,” he asked himself.

He knocked on the church’s door and was ushered inside a row of pews where other homeless individuals laid down with blankets.

Had he not been given shelter, ‘Man, I’d probably froze to death out here,” said Schroeder. “I’d had to get beside the building or something to block the wind. I didn’t even have a blanket. I have one now though.”

Schroeder grips a new blanket given to him by the Soup Mobile.

“We make sure everybody get a blanket and sack lunch. It’s cold out here,” said volunteer Harvor Davis.

“Been doing this for about 10 years and I love every bit of it,” said Davis. “Come out 365 days. Never take a day off.”

The faith-based charity travels around Dallas and serves anyone in need.

“God bless you,” a phrase often heard as each person standing in line receives a blanket, coat and food.

Davis has a way with the crowd.

“I’m also a good fashion guy too,” he told the amuse crowd as he hand-picked the right coat for each person in line.

This is just one non-profit that is dishing out cold weather necessities and hope.

“God bless you,” said Schroeder as he received a coat, lunch and blanket. “See, now I can put this on at night when it gets down to 20, eating something right now, cover myself up. I’m going to stay warm because of you.”

SoupMobile serves an estimated 250,000 meals a year in Dallas.

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