Coyote Sightings Up in Lewisville

Animal experts held a coyote 101 class for Lewisville residents after an uptick in sightings in the city.

The class consisted of do's and don'ts for residents when it comes to keeping coyotes away.

Animal experts told the crowd to avoid leaving pet food outside. They also recommending against leaving bird seeds in a bird feeder overnight. Seeds attract mice, which just happen to be a favorite meal of coyotes.

Experts also urged residents to cover their trash, because rubbish can make an easy meal for coyotes.

Laura Wise of Lewisville Animal Services said the city has tried to set out traps to catch the animals, but their efforts have been unsuccessful so far.

"Animal control officers can't catch them on a pole like they do a dog, and the trapping isn't working either, because these animals are very intelligent," she said.

Resident Karen Sutherland has taken pictures of coyotes that live near her home.

"They don't just come out at night," she said. "They come out during the day so they're easy to spot."

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