Can License Plates Pick Bowl Winners?

Vanity plate maker boasts 94 percent win rate

I don't generally put a lot of stock into seemingly random win-loss statistics, instead rather choosing to believe that the outcome of each game depends on the play on the field and nothing more.

But it's hard to not take a look at some recent statistics shared by the folks over at, the company that produces vanity license plates for Texas drivers.

MyPlates points out that in this year's bowl season, teams that have a My Plates design have a 94 percent win record.

That's a pretty tough figure to ignore.

Here is how they got there:  There are 35 college bowl games and 22 of those games have at least one team playing that has a My Plates license plate.  So far, 19 of those 22 games have been played and in 18 of those contests the winner had a My Plates plate.

To be fair, My Plates points out that in some bowl games both teams had a My Plates plate, so their win percentage for that game was 100 percent no matter who won ... but it's still kind of an interesting statistic to consider.

While the My Plates oracle won't help you place a wager before Friday night's Cotton Bowl in Arlington, both Kansas and Arkansas have My Plates license plates, it may help forecast who wins the Compass Bowl when the SMU Mustangs take the field against Pittsburgh on Jan. 7.

The Ponies have a plate, but Pitt does not.

Then again, it may be a bunch of hooey.

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