Businesses Waiting for More Traffic at Possum Kingdom

Businesses good for the holidays, need customers now

Businesses near Possum Kingdom Lake are talking future tourism one full day after crews said they contained the massive PK Complex.

In Graford, the stigma of the fires is slowing business down.

"We’ve had a lot of cancellations," said Stacy Fulford who runs Sky Camp, a cabin getaway.

At least 20 people pulled their reservations the week the fires started.

"That’s a lot for us, because we're counting on things billing up to the end of the school year when school gets out," Fulfurd said. "We need people to make reservations for mid-week and June, July, August, May, even and keep those reservations."

The Possum Kingdom Chamber of Commerce said it doesn't know how much business was lost, primarily because the fire damaged mostly homes and not businesses. It also said you can’t see much of the damage from the lake.

"You know, it’s going to be a little bit slow, but I feel good that it’s going to recover," businessman Jay Naylor said. "It’s going to take a couple of weeks for people to forget about the fires."

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