
Arlington Prepares for Dam Failure, Declares Emergency

The city is not expecting homes to be damaged

The city of Arlington is now under an emergency plan due to the possibility of flooding caused by erosion around the Prestonwood Lake Dam.

The city of Arlington is under an emergency plan due to the possibility of flooding caused by erosion around the Prestonwood Lake Dam.[[499252301,R]]

Mayor Jeff Williams issued an emergency proclamation Wednesday.

About half the dam has already crumbled and the rest could fail anytime, said Arlington Fire-Rescue Deputy Chief Mike Vogel.

"The risk is that, yes, the dam will eventually give way and collapse," Vogel said.

It's unclear who will pay to repair the structure.

It's owned by the homeowners association, which is inactive.

"It's going to have to be somebody other than the homeowners who are dealing with it," said homeowner Bruce Hammond. 

The dam is part of a private lake system that sits north of Lamar Boulevard and south of Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard in northern Arlington, north of Interstate 30.

The city of Arlington is under an emergency plan due to the possibility of flooding caused by erosion around the Prestonwood Lake Dam.

If the dam fails, downstream culverts could get clogged with sediment and debris which could then cause roads to flood.

The city does not expect the 30 homes around the lake to be damaged because they are all upstream.

A sewer line runs under the dam. City workers already rerouted it.

ONLINE: Declaration of Local Disaster

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