Arlington Texting Ban Proposal Stalls Out

Majority of council votes against further discussion

Many agree that texting and driving is dangerous, but a proposed ban in Arlington won't be shifting into first gear.

District 3 Councilman Robert Rivera was pushing for Arlington to ban texting while driving.

"The ultimate goal would be creating an awareness that, in Arlington, texting while driving is not acceptable, and it's not tolerated, because we want to create a premier level of public safety on our roadways," he said.

But the City Council voted three-four against putting the proposal on a future agenda.

Texas already bans the use of cell phones -- including texting -- in school zones.

The Arlington Independent School District showed a graphic public service announcement a few weeks before school was out, prompting 9,000 students to pledge they won't text and drive.

"Back maybe 10 years ago, it was drinking and driving that schools were really pushing," AISD spokeswoman Amy Casas said.

"I think this is even a more important message than that because it's legal. You can do it. You can text while driving," she said.

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