Arlington School District to Begin Texting Parents

Arlington schools to text parents emergency Information

The Arlington School District is implementing a texting alert system for students, parents and employees.

The Arlington Independent School District is texting.

The district is adding mass text messages to its current methods of contacting parents, such as reverse phone calls.

"Since everybody we know carries around cellphones these days, this is a very good way for us to be able to communicate this information in a timely manner," district spokeswoman Amy Casas said.

Parents will be able to receive texts in the event of an emergency, from severe weather to a school lockdown.

"This is a more instant way of communicating with them," Casas said. "As we know information, they'll know information, and that's very important for parents."

Such a thirst for information was apparent just last month when many parents felt out of the loop while Lamar High School was locked down.

AISD said the addition of texting represents a broader desire to engage with parents, not necessarily a response to the Lamar incident.

"Since this summer, we've been discussing ways to further enhance our communication with our parents because we know, to have a successful school district, we have to have parents who are engaged, parents who know what's occurring," Casas said.

AISD will send its first text message March 1. The test text will allow parents to opt out of the service if they wish.

Initially, texts will only be sent in emergency situations. But district leaders say the plan down the road is to text parents about everyday happenings at their children's schools.

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