North Texas

Area Hospitals Ask Sick People to Stay Home

A big request from major North Texas hospitals, if you have a fever or cough: stay home, don’t visit anyone staying in the hospital.

A big request from major North Texas hospitals, if you have a fever or cough: stay home, don't visit anyone staying in the hospital.

Flu cases have spiked to some of the highest numbers in years.

Doctors say if you do have to visit someone, wear a mask, not just to keep from spreading the illness but to keep yourself from getting sick.

Parents are also asked to keep children under 12 away from the hospital.

"Kids are most susceptible to getting infections and it's recommended, they're better off, staying at home three more days," said Dr. Devak Desai with Medical City Arlington.

Healthy hospital visitors are instructed to sanitize their hands when they arrive and before they leave the hospital, cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue or their sleeve and sanitize their hands after coughing or sneezing.

This advice will stick around for a while, as they expect a lot more people to get sick with the flu and as kids start going back to school after the long winter break.

Children's Health says just last week, more than 275 patients tested positive for the flu.

The hospital released a guide to fighting the flu.

MORE: 5 Flu Season Guidelines: When to bring your child to the ER | Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Influenza

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