Alma Drive Expansion in Allen Gets Green Light From Council

After two hours of public comments Tuesday night, the Allen City Council unanimous approved the Alma Drive expansion project.

The project will add lanes to Alma drive near McDermott, turning it into a 6-lane road instead of four.

The city says it’s been part of its master plan since the 1970’s. But not everyone was convinced it’s necessary.

Opponents of the plan wore blue to the Tuesday city council meeting. All but one person spoke out in favor of making improvements to the intersection of Alma Drive and Bel Air Drive, but against plans to widen part of Alma Drive south of that intersection.

"The more people you cram in here with improper planning, bigger roads, more people, more problems," said Holly Beniziano who opposed the widening plan.

"The only the that going to stop traffic increases is when we run out of dirt on the west side and there's no more development. I think that's how you gotta look at it it's improving the traffic flow," said Pat Boyle who is in favor of the widening project.

The city council chambers cleared after the unanimous vote. As people walked out, they booed the council and chanted "recall."

The Allen city engineer said work on the project should start this summer.

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