AA, Make-a-Wish Fulfill 7-Year-Old's Dream to Be a Pilot

A little boy’s dreams are taking flight in North Texas, thanks to Make-A-Wish and American Airlines.

A little boy's dreams are taking flight.

William Kottos, 7, was born with congenital heart defects. His one wish was to be a pilot, specifically for American Airlines.

This week Make-A-Wish and American Airlines made that happen, flying the boy and his family from Chicago to Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.

For three days, William learned what it takes to be a pilot. He underwent the same training as the grown-ups. He underwent hours of flying a plane in a special simulator, conducted emergency training and at the end of it all was awarded the honor of "Captain" and earned his own set of wings.

"William is truly the epitome of what it is to be a pilot," said Capt. Jim Palmersheim with American Airlines. "He's excited, he's passionate, he's smart and he cares."

William left for home Friday complete with a custom-made pilot uniform, some model planes and plenty of memories.

"He was telling me this morning when he was getting ready that he hasn't always felt really lucky," said William's mother. "But he feels really luck this morning and he feels like this was the best day ever."

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