
School Leaders Not Planning On Return to School In Near Future

NBCUniversal, Inc.

The leaders of the three largest school districts in North Texas don’t see a return to school campus in the near future.

The leaders of the three largest school districts in North Texas don't see a return to school campus in the near future.

Dallas and Fort Worth ISD both said schools will remain closed indefinitely, Arlington said they're following the lead of state and county leaders but Superintendent Marcello Cavazos said a return on April 3 was not likely.

If you ask me if we’re going to open April 3rd, we are prepared to be closed a longer period of time," said Cavazos.

The districts are putting their energy into remote learning. Arlington has spent the last several days communicating with families to see who has devices at home and who doesn't. District computers have been moved around so that everyone has a computer, whether personal or district-owned and can begin E-learning Monday.

Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said more students in his district had access to the internet than the district first thought and it has made that process much easier. Now, the district is focusing on making sure everyone in grades 3 and up get a district supplied device.

"There are a significant number of students who don’t have devices yet, they’re on the way, please communicate with your teacher and we’ll find a way to make that happen," said Hinojosa.

Fort Worth ISD also said they will close indefinitely. In a video message to staff and students, Superintendent Kent Scriber expressed the importance of social distancing and following guidelines.

Schools across the area are embracing remote learning and seem confident it will be the method of teaching for the foreseeable future.

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