Denton County

Denton Records 17th COVID-19 Death, Adds 5 More Cases

County health officials say 42% of those infected in the county have recovered

NBC 5 News

A Dallas man in his 70s is the latest person to die in Denton County after contracting the 2019 novel coronavirus, county health officials say Monday.

The man was hospitalized for treatment after becoming infected with the virus locally, Denton County Public Health said.

The man, whose name has not been released, is the 17th person in the county to die after contracting the virus.

โ€œAs we report the loss of a seventeenth life to COVID-19 in Denton County today, we hope everyone will take a moment to keep our fellow residents affected by this pandemic in your thoughts and prayers,โ€ said Denton County Judge Andy Eads. โ€œThe seriousness of taking precautions cannot be overstated. With community spread endemic in our county, we must continue taking necessary steps to ensure we do not contribute to the problem.โ€

DCPH is also announcing five new laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Denton County. This increases the cumulative, countywide total to 598 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 249 of those now recovered - or 42% of those infected.

โ€œReporting an additional death within Denton County reiterates the severity and risks associated with COVID-19,โ€ stated Dr. Matt Richardson, DCPH Director. โ€œNew cases being reported to DCPH have remained low today and we are hopeful that this decrease is the flattening of Denton Countyโ€™s curve. However, we realize there may still be delays in new cases being reported to local health departments due to the updates over the weekend.โ€

The laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 Denton State Supported Living Center (DSSLC) resident total remains 54. The cumulative, countywide long-term care facility (LTCF) resident total remains 17.

*Map locations are approximate, central locations for the city and are not meant to indicate where actual infected people live.

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