Deep Dark Shopping Secrets Confessed Here

Website allows shoppers who spend too much to bare their souls.

Come on,  we've all done it, spent $150 on that amazing pair of perfect fitting jeans, when you only had $50 budgeted!  Sometimes you just can't help yourself, but now a new website wants you to confess your "shopping sins".

Now you don't have to feel bad when you hide those 3 new pairs of shoes in the back of your closet, so your husband won't find 'em. wants you to confess your deepest, darkest shopping sins, and the people behind it hopes you'll learn a little something about managing your money in the process.

You could call it an online version of "AA", only this is for people who shop and can't stop.  It connects Spendsters with other "shop-a-holics," lets you read their stories, even offer them a little advice. 

The site is hosted by the National Endowment for Financial Education, and has tools to help you better manage your money.  One example is a cool little calculator, that crunches the numbers from your last big shopping spree, then tells you how much you would've saved in a savings account.

So go ahead, don't be shy, everyone goes crazy in Kohl's every once in a while.  You're just one click away from total redemption! 

Click HERE to check the site out.

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