The Top Ten Halloween “Top” Lists

Creepy, spooky, funny, clever, and downright bizzaro. Here's our list of the top ten Halloween "top" lists from around the 'net.

The 11 Best Old School Horror Trailers
"Ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha" You know what I'm talking about. These trailers harken back to the "good old days" (read: the 80s) of horror/slasher films. (Maxim)

Inappropriate Halloween Costumes
Some are quite clever, others are just useless, but you'll get a few ideas -- that's for sure. (Blog)

The 8 Least Terrifying Movie Ghosts of All Time
Any list with anything Ghostbusters related gets my vote. 'Nuff said. (ToplessRobot)

Top Ten Most Horrible, Agonizing, Worst Ways To Die
Surprisingly, pecked to death by rubber chickens isn't one of them. Wakka wakka. (Crunkish)

The Top 10 Wussiest Movie Monsters Ever
SPOILER ALERT: "Signs" wasn't a very good movie. Neither were its monsters. (Spike)

Top 25 scary Halloween movies
Here's a very good list of scary movies, including the default classics. Of course it ignores my personal pick for scariest movie ever: "SpiceWorld" (ChicagoTribune)

America's Top 13 Haunted Houses
Fort Worth's Cutting Edge makes this list of the most hauntedly haunted houses -- including some with "real ghosts." (AOL CityGuide)

Halloween Sites : 13 Scary Halloween Pages
A jumping off point, if nothing else, this list collects some other sites (aside from with Halloween resources. (SearchEngine Journal)

Top 10 Horror Movie Heroines
Tough ladies are a mainstay of horror films, and this list focuses on the best of them. (HeartlessDoll)

Top Ten Totally Lame Last-Minute Halloween Costumes
For the professional procrastinators, here's a list of very, very, very lame costumes. (HoustonPress)

BONUS LIST: Our Top Ten list of Things To Do This Halloween is available, too, you know. (NBCDFW)

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