Target – Sweet Shopping Success

This was the last Target shopping trip for the week...really, it was! I stopped by on my way home from work on Friday night. I had to grab some juice & butter...and thought it would be so nice to use the ovrage from other items to pay for my juice & butter. I couldn't help myself.

The Goods:

(2) Welch's White Grape Juice

(1) Mott's Apple Sauce

(2) lbs of Markey Pantry (Target brand) butter

(10) General Mills cereal bowls

(3) lbs of bananas

(3) Johnson & Johnson cotton swabs

(6) Skittles

(1) Archer Farms bread

Total Paid: $0.00 (NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH.) the register actually said 22¢, but after searching for a couple of dimes in my purse, the nice lady behind me offered a quarter and said, "Honey, you deserve this after all those coupons."

I gratefully accepted. I know, I know...I have no pride. I took a quarter from a perfect stranger. I will pay it forward, I promise!!

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