Recapturing Memories With Art

A program at the Amon Carter Museum aims to help people with Alzheimer's Disease.

Stacy Fuller is in charge of education at the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth.  She and her staff see hundreds of visitors every year.  But there's one monthly program she wishes she could hold everyday.

The "Sharing The Past Through Art" program allows people with Alzheimer's Disease (and their caregivers) to learn about four different pieces of art.  This is one of the few places in the country that has such a program in place during regular, museum hours. 

Alzheimer's is a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that robs people of memory, orientation and thinking ability. State records show that 280,000 people in Texas are living with Alzheimer's, that's nearly the same population as Plano.

Fuller not only loves teaching the elderly students.  She also learns a lot.  Using art to recall long-term memories allows the patients to talk about old buildings, streets, etc. of old Fort Worth.

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