Polo Popular in North Texas?

Prestonwood Polo and Country Club teach kids the sport of polo

Long considered "Horse Country" Denton County ponies there are getting a new workout on a championship polo field in Oak Point.

President of the Prestonwood Polo and Country Club, Vaughn Miller calls his club a field of dreams.  "The first day we opened the match, cars lined up down the driveway," said Miller. "We knew at that moment that we had something really special."

Miller said he built the fields so North Texans can experience the sport.

"Polo really reaches a chord in people. It's the most beautiful, mysterious, fun sport to watch," said Miller.

This week, a new group of riders took the reigns. Miller has groomed the next generation of polo players at his summer polo camp. "It seemed really cool when he was doing it, and I would scream for him," said Vaughn Miller's son, Vaughn. "I just wanted to be better than him. I wanted to prove that I'm way better than my dad."

"I thought it would be fun because there are so many things in western riding to do, and in English there is not that much," said 13-year-old Jessie Brown.

Under the hot summer sun, the kids took center field for a game that's far from popular for people their age. "My friends are like 'Polo? Is that the thing with the croquet stick.' And I'm like 'No it is not anything like croquet,'" said Miller.

"It's difficult to find a place for them to play. The most difficult thing is to get enough kids for a team," said polo mom Tammy Brisker. 

Miller said people in "Horse Country" are already embracing one of the oldest team sports in the book. "There is no limit to what we can achieve with polo in North Texas. It's just beginning to grow here. It's just catching on," said Miller.

If you want to catch a polo match, the final game of the season is Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. at Prestonwood Polo and Country Club.

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