Old Dallas High School is Under Contract

The boarded-up old Dallas High School on Pearl St. may not be a shell of it's former self for much longer.

Also known as Crozier Tech, the school has sat unused for over a decade after being designated by the city as a historical landmark.

Now the property is in the process of changing hands to Dallas-based developer Wynne/Jackson.

Michael Jackson, vice president of the company, has plenty of reasons to be interested in the site.

"We like the site. My dad's father went to school there, and we drive by it every day. Since my dad built Plaza, he's been driving past it since the '70s and has been trying to figure out what to do with it," Jackson told Unfair Park.

Jackson's father, Clyde Jackson, built the Plaza of the Americas -- right across the street from the high school and the DART station that sits outside.

The developers say their plans include an adaptive reuse of the original building, retail space, and some housing options. All of it is contingent on the deal actually going through and the permit process of building in and around the historical landmark.

We previously profiled the old Dallas High School in our Shells of Our City series, which showcases vacant or abandoned buildings in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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