Gen Y'ers Dream of Becoming Cyber Athletes

In a digital world, cyber athletes are emerging more than ever.

Major League Gaming is big business. Thousands of teens spent their weekend watching professional gamers go head to head in games like Halo 3 and Gears of War 2.

"It's just exciting. It's like watching, you know, a real sport," said Chris McNamara, amateur gamer.

Major League Gaming has all the excitement and drama of any other league that hosts professional players. Tournaments, star players, big egos, risky trades, sponsorships and 6 figure salaries are an integral part of professional gaming.

Some adoring fans can only dream of being a pro gamer.

"I mean you get paid to play video games! That says it all!" said Daniel Kim, who had traveled from Las Vegas to play in the amateur tournament.

Ranking in the top 16 of several national tournaments, the one held in Dallas, can give amateur players a professional ranking and if their noticed, can catapult them into the professional gaming arena.

"It's ridiculous how much money you can make video gaming," said one fan.

Eric Hewitt, who is just 21, turned his love for video games into a career in 2006. The Penn State students says early on, his parents disapproved of video games.

"I never thought I was going to be a pro when I started playing video games, in general. My mom had them banned at my house until 7th grade," Hewitt said.

Hewitt says the competition to stay at a professional level is stiff.

"The 15 and 16 year olds, they have better reflexes. We've got to keep with it and practice more than they do and hopefully stay on top," Hewitt said.

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