Game On! Mix Adult Drinks With Childish Fun

Tuesday nights at the Belmont Hotel, Lounge, and Patio mean half off appetizers and lots of "Belmont-inis."  It also means game night!

This is your alternative to a typical night out -- playing traditional board games like Jenga, Trivial Pursuit, and UNO while sipping on your favorite drink.

No one can put their finger on why game nights are becoming more popular these days; Some blame the recession, others say we all need to loosen up, but the hotel doesn't need to know the cause -- they just want people to keep coming.

"Wednesdays we have movie nights, Thursdays we do our concert series, and so Tuesday nights we decided to do game night." Mason Spagna from the Belmont Hotel told us. "Get a group of people together, come eat drink play games and have fun!"

Not everyone at the Belmont sets out to have games with their drinks, but once they get here, they love it.

"A little game brings out the fiestiness in all of us, you know," player Alexis Fletcher suggests.

At another game night at Tillman's Roadhouse in Oak Cliff, UNO is the game of choice for after-work revelers.

After a couple of boisterous rounds, players say the combo of food and childish fun makes all the difference.

"Let me tell you, I was very stressed out whenever I came here, and now I have no cares in the world," player Helena Teshome laughed.

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