Dressing Up for Lady Gaga

Let the madness begin -- Lady Gaga's "little monsters" have arrived in Dallas.

"She's my idol," fan Lauren Ranzer, of Haslet, said. "She's awesome. I think everything she does is just awesome -- what she stands for, what she does and the message she gives away. She's just awesome, and I love her music."

Folks who lined up Thursday afternoon applied the singer-songwriter-spectacle's fashion sense to their wardrobe while waiting to get into the 8 p.m. show at the American Airlines Center.

"It's like Halloween all the time," Wade Carson, of Plano, said. "You get to come to Gaga and be who you are, whenever you want to, and it's OK."

Costumes ranged from the creative, such as the glasses made of partially smoked cigarettes and the woman in the white gown, matching hair and zebra bag, to the pretty lame.

We're not going to call out the lame in this article, but they know who they are.

Why wait so early for that late of a start?

"You have to get close to Gaga," Carson said. "The only way to do that is to make sure you're early."

General admission tickets (which cost $85 -- when they were on sale) are first-entry, meaning if you want to be up close and personal with the Lady herself, you should have been line this morning.

The "little monsters," the nickname given to the lady's fans, pay $200 for a little swag and the ability to hit the arena 15 to 30 minutes before anyone else ... invaluable time for true fans who want to get up close with no guaranteed seating location.

Carson said Lady Gaga is "very talented."

"It's not just Hollywood hype or Auto-Tune," Carson said. "It's her. She's really a good singer."

And her little monsters are ready to be dazzled.

"I want her to completely wow me," said Shannon Cantu, of Corpus Christi. "I've seen her on TV, and she wowed me on TV, so I'm pretty sure she's going to wow me live."

For those who drive Stemmons Freeway near the AAC, prepare for a little more traffic than usual on your commute home Thursday and Friday -- Gaga brings the masses.

Going to the show? Tweet us @dfwaroundtown with your experiences or send your pictures to isee@nbcdfw.com.

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