We Best Honor MLK by Acknowledging How Much Change Is Needed — Both in America and in Our Own Hearts

"Trouble is in the land; confusion all around. ... But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars."The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached those words, heartbreaking yet hopeful, April 3, 1968, just a day before an assassin's bullet silenced the foremost civil rights leader in living memory. Today, 50 years later, amid all the trouble and confusion of our times, let us pause to honor Dr. King by reflecting both on how far we Americans have come since that day — and how far this great nation has yet go.No words do justice to a man whose sustaining dreams and moral imperatives changed America and the world. Baptist minister, citizen soldier, Nobel Prize winner. Those titles, though accurate, fall miserably short of portraying an individual whose defining message was the universality of human dignity.  Continue reading...

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