Trump Wants to Arm Teachers at School. Texas Already Allows That — Sort of

Trump wants teachers to carry guns. In Texas, some already do.President Donald Trump wants to put guns directly in the hands of teachers to keep kids safe in school.Many are wary of that idea, but Texas already allows teachers to be armed if they go through training to be a school marshal.No one will disclose exactly how many educators bring guns to Texas schools. The state has deemed the information confidential for their safety. But the Dallas lawmaker who authored the legislation creating school marshals says about 100 individuals -- mostly from smaller, rural districts -- have gone through the training, although some might not have completed steps to earn certification.Trump's call to let teachers carry guns into schools very closely mirrors the solution Texas has already found and needs to expand, said Rep. Jason Villalba, R-Dallas.“It’s understandable that parents would be nervous about having guns on campus,” Villalba said. “That’s why we created this to be tailored and narrow -- so that the educators will also be highly trained peace officers. And so far, the response has been favorable.”But not everyone likes the idea of more teachers being armed, particularly educators.  Continue reading...

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