On LBJ's Birthday, Let's Compare His Legislative Wins to Those of Trump

Sunday is the 109th birthday of Lyndon B. Johnson. Let's take the occasion to compare one of the best-qualified people to be president with the person with the worst qualifications to be president in U.S. history: Donald Trump.One can hardly imagine a president with more preparation than Johnson. During the 1950's the country was led, essentially, by Johnson as majority leader of the Senate, Sam Rayburn, as Speaker of the House, and President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy once said that he was glad that he put Johnson on the ticket, because otherwise, the presidency would not have been any fun because Johnson would have been running the country himself, from the Senate.As a consequence of this experience, President Johnson was able to accomplish a great deal. On his watch, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Open Housing Act of 1968, Medicare, Medicaid and the War on Poverty.  Continue reading...

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