Cornyn Phoned Trump to Warn That U.S.-Mexico Border Closure Would Be a ‘terrible Mistake'

WASHINGTON — Texas Sen. John Cornyn phoned President Donald Trump on Tuesday night to share his concern that closure of the U.S.-Mexico border would a "terrible mistake" that would "inflict unintended harm on Americans."The two Republicans spoke for about five minutes, Cornyn said."I know you are very frustrated," the Texan recalled telling Trump. "Let us try to work on some other approaches."That personal appeal builds upon Cornyn's earlier public statements, along with increasingly dire warnings from business leaders, economists, lawmakers and other experts that a closure of the U.S-Mexico border would cause cataclysmic damage to the economy in Texas and beyond.Asked if Trump was receptive to his message, Cornyn demurred."He's hearing that from a lot of different sources," he said, before offering his sense of Trump's thought process. "It's a sign of his frustration that this has become a zero sum game and more of a political matter than people actually trying to solve the problem."  Continue reading...

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