Bob Corker's Warning That Trump Could Spark WWIII Shouldn't Be Ignored

We applaud Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker for his candid comments about President Trump and his antics in the White House, bluntly assessing how Trump's behavior is not just careless, but also dangerous.The presidency is not a reality show. We urge other Republicans, who we know care deeply about this country and its way forward in the world, to follow Corker's lead and help get America back on track. Sen. Corker expressed his frustration with the president openly last week in an interview with the New York Times. It was a remarkable departure from the tepid criticism and anonymous carping offered up thus far by Republicans in Congress. "Sometimes I feel like he's on a reality show of some kind when he's talking about these foreign policy issues," Corker said. "And, you know, he doesn't realize that we could be heading towards World War III with the kind of comments that he's making.""He concerns me," Corker added. "He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation."That Corker isn't seeking re-election next year makes it easier for him to speak candidly. He doesn't have to worry about offending a segment of the electorate. But that doesn't diminish the importance of his message. And while fellow Republicans in the Senate didn't come out and publicly agree with what Corker said, they also did not disagree.That is significant from both a policy perspective and political perspective.  Continue reading...

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