Consumer Reports: Treadmill Desks, Workout at Work

Instead of sitting all day at a desk, new treadmill desks let you walk while you work.

We’ve all heard that sitting all day is bad for our health. So what are the options for those of us who work at a desk for hours and hours? Consumer Reports tested what could be the desk of the future—a treadmill desk.

It’s not really for exercise, but to keep your metabolism above a resting rate. The recommended speed while working is less than 2 miles per hour. Consumer Reports tested two treadmill desks, using a panel of 12 staffers. The staffers read and typed on the computer, talked on the phone, and surfed the web.

They say it takes some time to get used to walking while you work. And the panelists found that surfing the Web is easier than writing with a pen or using a computer mouse.

The Workfit 1030 by Exerpeutic is the less expensive of the two desks tested, $750, but for some panelists it wasn’t comfortable. And several complained that their feet kept hitting the motor casing.

It was easier to walk and work on the LifeSpan. The LifeSpan TR1200DT5 costs twice as much at $1,500, but most panelists preferred it.

Complete Ratings and recommendations on all kinds of products, including appliances, cars & trucks, and electronic gear, are available on Consumer Reports’ website.

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