Fort Worth

Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2021

Fort Worth Housing Solutions logo 2021
Fort Worth Housing Solutions

NBC 5 is committed to bringing you resources to help you tackle challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) has partnered with the City of Fort Worth to provide
Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds for Fort Worth residents who have experienced loss of income during the Covid-19 pandemic.

FWHS has opened an online portal and is actively accepting applications for residents who have fallen behind on rent or utilities payments.

Additionally, landlords whose tenants have fallen at least two months behind on their payments since March 13, 2020 can apply for relief on behalf of their tenants with tenant approval.


An “eligible household” is defined as a renter household in Fort Worth, Texas, which at least one or more individuals meets the following criteria:

  1. Qualifies for unemployment or has experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19;
  2. Demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; and
  3. Has a household income at or below 80 percent of the Area Median Income.

Rental assistance provided to an eligible household may not duplicate any other federally funded rental assistance provided to such household.

Eligible households that include an individual who has been unemployed for the 90 days prior to application for assistance and households with income at or below 50 percent of the area median are prioritized for assistance.

Household income is determined as either the household’s total income for calendar year 2020 or the household’s monthly income at the time of application based on documents no older than two months prior to application submission. Applicants who submit proof of monthly income must recertify their income every three months.

Additional details can be found at

Eligible households my receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional three months if the grantee determines the extra months are needed to ensure housing stability and that funds are still available.

Find out if you are eligible at The page also contains a link to the application portal and the list of required documents. Applicants who are unable to upload documents or complete the online application may email FWHS at or call 817-333-3524 for help.

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