BAPS Charities Health Fair 2013

Register today!

Join NBC 5 at the BAPS Charities Health Fair and the Children’s Health Fair and Safety Day on Saturday, October 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Irving.

The BAPS Charities Health Fair will offer a range of services for children and adults, including health screenings to measure blood pressure, blood sugar levels, body mass index, dental, vision, hearing screens and dermatology. Other services include personal consultations with physicians specialized in cardiology, pediatrics, internal medicine, gynecology, endocrinology.

BAPS Charities is a nonprofit international charity organization that is committed to serving the world by caring for individuals, families, and communities. About 55,000 BAPS Charities volunteers networked in over 3,300 centers around the world provide over 12 million volunteer-hours of service annually.

BAPS Charities has amassed over 50 years of firsthand experience in initiating, managing, and sustaining 160 humanitarian operations throughout the world. These include medical services, environmental services, community services, tribal services, and disaster relief services.
Annual health fairs are at the core of BAPS Charities' medical services. Physicians and technicians regularly volunteer their expertise to provide medical care and advice to the increasing number of people who lack access to quality health care.

To pre-register for a screening, contact BAPS Charities at 972-243-8669.

BAPS Charities Health Fair
Saturday, October 5
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir
4601 North State Highway 161
Irving, TX 75038

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