Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill in the Summer

Chances are pretty good that your recent energy bill is a bit higher that you’d what you’d like, and the North Texas heat is likely to blame. But believe it or not, there are some easy ways to save no matter what it’s like outside.

Chances are pretty good that your recent energy bill is a bit higher that you'd what you'd like, and the North Texas heat is likely to blame.

But believe it or not, there are some easy ways to save no matter what it's like outside.

If you find yourself getting hot at night, but you want to give your a/c a break, try reversing your fan so that it's spinning counter clockwise.

Next, check your home for drafts.

"What you need to do is take the dollar bill, open your door, close the door and pull it, if it's easy and glides, then you need to change the weather stripping," said Leticia Castellanos, Vice President of Energy at Stream Energy.

She said your cool air can escape through the smallest cracks.  

You're going to want to seal those edges up with weather stripping around your doors and windows.  But if you have pets, caulk may be a better option.

You'll also want to keep your home's blinds closed in the summer, and open in the winter.

This will reduce the amount of energy your HVAC system has to use.               

Also, items like phone and laptop chargers and coffeemakers can cost you big time. So, go ahead and unplug and save yourself some cash throughout the new year.

Be sure to clean your HVAC unit every 30 days to keep it running efficiently.

If the filters are dirty, it could take more energy to get the air through, costing you more money.

If you're not sure how to do it, click here.

You can also clean the filters on your a/c window unit. Simply vacuum the heavy debris with an upholstery brush, rinse the filters with soapy water, allow them to dry and re-install for optimum air flow.

Consider getting a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can lower or turn off the a/c when no one is home and set it so your home is comfortable when you return.

These adjustments can help lower your bills by as much as 10 percent.

Some models also offer sensors to prevent different parts of the house from getting too warm or too cold.

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