
Texans Perpetually Plugged In: Report on Consumer Mobility

If you have a hard time putting your phone down, you're not alone

If you look to your left and to your right, there's a good chance someone is using their smartphone to text, email or play Candy Crush.

In a report released by Bank of America Monday, nearly 40 percent people in the United States never disconnect from their smartphones and only 7 percent shut off their mobile connections while on vacation.

That means you can expect to see smartphone screen lights alongside fireworks this Independence Day.

The second annual Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report added that, for many, smartphones are the first and last thing people see each day. In Texas alone, 79 percent of adults fall asleep with their cell phones next to them. One third actually fall asleep with their phone in their hands.

While the bedroom has become an acceptable place for smartphones, 78 percent of Americans still believe that there is a proper time and place for smartphone use despite it's prominence. Texans ranked movies theaters, religious institutions and restaurants as places where they're annoyed to see the devices being used.

That hasn't stopped 37 percent of Americans who use their phones during meals, though.

Nearly half of Americans said they couldn't last 24 hours without their phones according to the report.

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