
Rescue Dog Improving, Still Needs Forever Home

The rescued chihuahua-terrier mix fondly named “Scooter” is doing much better, but is still in need of a forever home.

The rescued chihuahua-terrier mix fondly named “Scooter” is doing much better, but is still in need of a forever home.

A few weeks ago, NBC 5 brought you the story of Scooter, who was hit by a car and left to die.

It happened off Davis Street in the Bishop Arts District of Dallas.

A local rescue group, Marina’s Groupies, heard about the dog, rescued him and rushed him to the vet.

Upon arrival, Scooter was badly injured, malnourished and could not use his back legs.

“He was bad. Didn’t know if he was going to make it. Didn’t know if he was going to live,” said Jessica Faiferlick, who’s helped to foster the young dog.

The vet, believing Scooter was paralyzed, recommended the small dog be put down.

The women who brought Scooter in refused to do so and took the dog home.

Three months later, Scooter has put on weight and is miraculously re-gaining strength in his back legs.

The dog, who used to only be able to ‘scoot’ on his rear-end using his two front legs, can now slowly kick his back two legs and even tries to use them to walk occasionally.

While many people have shown interest in adopting Scooter, the rescue group is still looking for a forever home for him.

They say even though Scooter is improving, he needs a lot of attention and help with basic needs.

The family who adopts him also needs to be willing to help Scooter with physical therapy at home so he can continue to gain strength in his back legs.

Those interested may call Lindsay Butler at 214-205-5202.

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