
Denton Records 2nd Positive West Nile Sample

Denton entered risk level four of Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan

LA Times via Getty Images

Held by a pair of tweezers, one of thousands of mosquitos trapped by Los Angeles County Vector Control officers at their lab in Lakewood where they are catagorized and shipped to a lab at UC Davis to be tested for West Nile Virus on 07/27/2004. (Photo by Bob Chamberlin/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Denton officials confirmed the city's second positive sample of West Nile virus Wednesday, triggering Denton's second-highest risk level, which it classifies as a public health warning.

The sample, collected Monday, came from a trap at the city's service center on Texas Street, officials said.

The public health warning means Denton will continue to conduct routine surveys of adult mosquitoes and the amounts of biological agents applied to kill larva will be increased.

"Mosquito control efforts in past seasons have been successful, which would not have been possible without the source reduction and larviciding efforts of Denton citizens," said Deborah Viera, Denton assistant director of environmental services.

The city asked people to help eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitoes by removing standing water from their property.

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