PHOTOS: Hot job work selfies

62 photos
Work selfies
Tim Faith
Work selfies
Work selfies
Tim Faith
Work selfies
Gotta stay hydrated!!!! Thanks to the local lemonade stand!!!! #MckinneyTX #Protecting underground utilities
Rios Sanchez, Agur
Gotta stay hydrated!!!! Thanks to the local lemonade stand!!!! #MckinneyTX #Protecting underground utilities
Gotta stay hydrated!!!! Thanks to the local lemonade stand!!!! #MckinneyTX #Protecting underground utilities
Rios Sanchez, Agur
Gotta stay hydrated!!!! Thanks to the local lemonade stand!!!! #MckinneyTX #Protecting underground utilities
Hello my name is Chris Kirkpatrick and I’m a tow truck operator from Fort Worth Texas working out in this heat. I saw your post on Facebook asking people who work out in this heat to send a selfie to this email address
Chris Kirkpatrick
Hello my name is Chris Kirkpatrick and I’m a tow truck operator from Fort Worth Texas working out in this heat. I saw your post on Facebook asking people who work out in this heat to send a selfie to this email address
Kent Company in Denton Tx ( J Carlos rod team)
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
irene carmona
Kent Company in Denton Tx ( J Carlos rod team) Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Updating Cellphone Towers
Updating Cellphone Towers
Picture of my stepson working in construction out in the heat!
Marilyn Dlugosh
Picture of my stepson working in construction out in the heat!
I own an internet company and climb towers!
George Garza
I own an internet company and climb towers!
Selfie post…. from Midland Texas
Jermaine Ford
Selfie post…. from Midland Texas
Hi I’m Jean Huff from Granbury and am a rural mail carrier.  Most of us<br />
don’t have air conditioning in our vehicles so some of us have purchased “<br />
cool dat azz”.  It’s a beaded seat cover with tubing through it.  It hooks<br />
to a cooler that is plugged into the cigarette lighter.  Flows ice water<br />
through the tubing.  It has saved us from this brutal heat
Jean Huff
Hi I’m Jean Huff from Granbury and am a rural mail carrier. Most of us
don’t have air conditioning in our vehicles so some of us have purchased “
cool dat azz”. It’s a beaded seat cover with tubing through it. It hooks
to a cooler that is plugged into the cigarette lighter. Flows ice water
through the tubing. It has saved us from this brutal heat
3 Kings Roofing
justin .
3 Kings Roofing
Daniel Brown with 3 Kings Roofing
Daniel Brown
Daniel Brown with 3 Kings Roofing
Frontier waste solutions
On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 3:50 PM Macey Smith  wrote:
Macey Smith
Frontier waste solutions On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 3:50 PM Macey Smith wrote: >
We own a rain gutter company:) we are owner installers
c h
We own a rain gutter company:) we are owner installers
Harvesting frames of honey on Wednesday from our hives in St. Jo, Texas
Tina Archambault
Harvesting frames of honey on Wednesday from our hives in St. Jo, Texas
sophie waskey – welder hot jobs
sophie waskey
sophie waskey – welder hot jobs
Working in a food trailer over a 400° griddle @kdawgscookin on Lake Whitney.
Christie Rogers
Working in a food trailer over a 400° griddle @kdawgscookin on Lake Whitney.
Hello NBC 5,<br />
We at SavATree (pronounced Save A Tree) would like to share a picture of our hot job. Our tree climbers and pruners work all year round…hot or cold. Here is one of our incredible tree climbers pruning the canopy of a tree in Fort Worth. Even when it is hot outside he can smile because he is doing what he loves…being in trees!!
Melissa Pittman-Hoff
Hello NBC 5,
We at SavATree (pronounced Save A Tree) would like to share a picture of our hot job. Our tree climbers and pruners work all year round…hot or cold. Here is one of our incredible tree climbers pruning the canopy of a tree in Fort Worth. Even when it is hot outside he can smile because he is doing what he loves…being in trees!!
The crew of Palatia (pa-lay-sha) Motion Picture Group shooting movies in Collin County. submitted by:Collin Kennedy Photo credit: Dr. Tracy Frost
The crew of Palatia (pa-lay-sha) Motion Picture Group shooting movies in Collin County. submitted by:Collin Kennedy Photo credit: Dr. Tracy Frost
I’m a personal shopper for Sam’s Club and I take the groceries to their car in an extremely hot parking lot!
Sheryl Casilhas
I’m a personal shopper for Sam’s Club and I take the groceries to their car in an extremely hot parking lot!
This is my son Angus Richer from Combine, Tx.  He is a geotech driller for Corsair Consulting.  They drill mostly on roadways for new construction or road & bridge repairs. It’s hot is the summer & cold in the winter but he loves his job and I am so proud of him!
This is my son Angus Richer from Combine, Tx. He is a geotech driller for Corsair Consulting. They drill mostly on roadways for new construction or road & bridge repairs. It’s hot is the summer & cold in the winter but he loves his job and I am so proud of him!
Hot Jobs / Rockwall High School Mascot
On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 7:44 AM Ella Garrett<br />
> Incoming Freshman Rockwall High School Buzz  does all things Rockwall<br />
> bright and early including getting ready for Football season!<br />
> MaryEllen Garrett Class of 2027<br />
> 214-504-7305<br />
> Respectfully<br />
> Ella Garrett<br />
Ella Garrett
Hot Jobs / Rockwall High School Mascot On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 7:44 AM Ella Garrett
wrote: > Incoming Freshman Rockwall High School Buzz does all things Rockwall
> bright and early including getting ready for Football season!
> MaryEllen Garrett Class of 2027
> 214-504-7305
> Respectfully
> Ella Garrett
Ryan McGuire, a junior at Ennis High School, is a certified American Red<br />
Cross Lifeguard at SOKOL pool in Ennis.
It’s hot, but it’s a great flexible summer job!
Johna McGuire
Ryan McGuire, a junior at Ennis High School, is a certified American Red
Cross Lifeguard at SOKOL pool in Ennis. It’s hot, but it’s a great flexible summer job!
Chuck Johnson at Premier Collision Center in Pantego is always working hard for his family out in the heat! We love and appreciate him so much!<br />
The Johnson Crew
Behl, Joanna Catherine
Chuck Johnson at Premier Collision Center in Pantego is always working hard for his family out in the heat! We love and appreciate him so much!
The Johnson Crew
I build fence and it’s hot af outside!
Ranch Rd Fence Co
I build fence and it’s hot af outside!
Selfie outside worker HVAC work
Michael Shawn
Selfie outside worker HVAC work
Selfie outside worker HVAC work
Michael Shawn
Selfie outside worker HVAC work
In this heat and no ac and sometimes no windows or wt windows closed in. It<br />
gets really hot, sweating as if I showered. 🥵
Vanessa Olvera
In this heat and no ac and sometimes no windows or wt windows closed in. It
gets really hot, sweating as if I showered. 🥵
Gold arches, hot roofs: this duo takes the heat in stride! #Mcinspectors
Trevor Baker
Gold arches, hot roofs: this duo takes the heat in stride! #Mcinspectors
Hot Job Trenton Withers Decatur,Tx Electrician
Haley Mcgehee
Hot Job Trenton Withers Decatur,Tx Electrician
Our family business Texas best roofing & construction. Our guys have been out all summer helping homeowners!
Kati Tollett
Our family business Texas best roofing & construction. Our guys have been out all summer helping homeowners!
Full remodel in Kaufman. Its so hot 🔥
Jason tello
Full remodel in Kaufman. Its so hot 🔥
My neighbor asked me to send these as they saw your post on Facebook . They work for TDI and working construction at SMU currently !!! Please show them some love !
michelle Young
My neighbor asked me to send these as they saw your post on Facebook . They work for TDI and working construction at SMU currently !!! Please show them some love !
You asked to submit a hot job! I work on a farm and it is hot!
Natalie Godinez
You asked to submit a hot job! I work on a farm and it is hot!
DFW Pool Repair
Rafael Sainz
DFW Pool Repair
I asked my husband for a pic and he sent me this 😂
violet aman
I asked my husband for a pic and he sent me this 😂
her hot job is guarding the truck and driving it
Michael Wilson
her hot job is guarding the truck and driving it
Hot summer days
Jon Freiheit
Hot summer days
I’m a farrier in the DFW area.
Karissa Hunter Wild Soles Whole Horse Care
I’m a farrier in the DFW area.
I’m a farrier in the DFW area.
Karissa Hunter Wild Soles Whole Horse Care
I’m a farrier in the DFW area.
Working in the oilfield Shane Stone 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Shane Stone
Working in the oilfield Shane Stone  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Mark lewis
Hot Work!
Hot Work!
Commercial HVAC… we actually service your building on a few floors… 😎😎😎 it’s rough sometimes… y’all have a great day! Enjoy that cool air!
deron tucker
Commercial HVAC… we actually service your building on a few floors… 😎😎😎 it’s rough sometimes… y’all have a great day! Enjoy that cool air!
Here is my husband, Logan Gnerlich, in a tunnel under a house.
He’s a plumber for Legacy Plumbing in Little Elm!
Megan Gnerlich
Here is my husband, Logan Gnerlich, in a tunnel under a house. He’s a plumber for Legacy Plumbing in Little Elm!
It’s hot!
Christine/John Giordano
It’s hot!
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
Jb Watson
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
Jb Watson
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
Jb Watson
Me and my guys Cranking It Down to keep people cool!! JB’s AC!!
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023  And these the heat don’t stop him
Denise Andrade
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023 And these the heat don’t stop him
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023  And these the heat don’t stop him
Denise Andrade
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023 And these the heat don’t stop him
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023  And these the heat don’t stop him
Denise Andrade
109 degrees hot outside and still working and stays outside in the heat 12 hours a day or more also he’s employee of the month of 8/2023 And these the heat don’t stop him
Contractor who works outside doing a couple fences in triple digit temps.
Brian Weber
Contractor who works outside doing a couple fences in triple digit temps.
Contractor who works outside doing a couple fences in triple digit temps.
Brian Weber
Contractor who works outside doing a couple fences in triple digit temps.
Hot Job
Jessica Sifuentes
Hot Job
Cutting hay is HOT! 🔥
Cutting hay is HOT! 🔥
Cutting hay is HOT! 🔥
Cutting hay is HOT! 🔥
Electrician On Call
Ride Along for HVAC service work during a hot summer! Stay cool!
Irum Rashid - Jones
Electrician On Call Ride Along for HVAC service work during a hot summer! Stay cool!
Air Assault Roofing
Emily Lopez
Air Assault Roofing
My side gig as a pyrotechnician….. I do fireworks with Pyrotex, Inc.<br />
July 4th loading firework trailer at Dallas Country Club
David A Granger
My side gig as a pyrotechnician….. I do fireworks with Pyrotex, Inc.
July 4th loading firework trailer at Dallas Country Club
Welding crew that have built many building in dfw and never call it a day cause it is to hot. They work straight through always.
mary waters
Welding crew that have built many building in dfw and never call it a day cause it is to hot. They work straight through always.
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