Retailers Cater to Price-Conscious Wine Lovers

It's a buyers market in wine.

Although people may not be buying as many expensive bottles as before, they're still seeking out quality vino.

Workers at Pogo's Wine and Spirits in Dallas know a lot about wine in all price categories. These days, they are helping customers find quality wines to satisfy their cravings at lower prices.

There is a wine out there for everyone, said Pogo's Harris Polakoff. At a store like his, customers can ask for help in making a selection.

"Normally, the customer would walk in and say, 'This is what i'm used to drinking. What do you think?'" he said. "We can kind of extrapolate from there."

Even serious wine lovers and collectors who are used to paying top dollar can save money these days.

"So, for a special occasion, or possibly cellar-type items, there are some incredible values on really the world's greatest wines," Polakoff said.

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