Lamenting the A1 Thick and Hearty Burger

It's true, today, Dec. 21, is the last day to head to Whataburger for a A1 Thick and Hearty Burger.

While most of our office heads that way for the last chance to enjoy the greatness, I have taken it upon myself to create this epic lament to the demise of one of our favorite fatty Texas staples.

Ode to the A1
by Greg Janda

As your sauce drips and onions falls,
I remember when we had it all,
Long nights amongst the high school bleachers,
I hated football, but I loved your features,
Melted cheese, patties piping,
The cure for my stomach's griping,
Growling gone, hunger smashed,
Rich with flavor, for miser's cash,
Oh, thick A1, you did no wrong,
My love for you continues strong,
I''ll miss you now, but I understand,
You'll be back by popular demand

Greg Janda is the Lifestyle and Features Editor for He's getting very fat and is unhealthly close to his hamburgers.

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